Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Great design!  I was thinking about some of the household items that have become iconic symbols of great design and this fan hold great respect for that.  My father has a few lovely old fans like these and they have such a character and personality!  I looked up who design and thought you would enjoy it! Designed by Peter Behrens a German Architect/designer (1868/1940).  


  1. " He became director of Düsseldorf's arts and crafts school in 1903. The large electrical company AEG hired him in 1907 as its artistic adviser, a comprehensive job that led him to design the hexagonal trademark of the AEG, its catalogs, its office stationery, products such as electric fans and street lamps, and retail shops and factories. His AEG Works turbine factory in Berlin (1909 – 12), with its sweeping glass curtain wall, became the most significant building in Germany at that time. He was an influential pioneer of Modernism; Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe all worked in his office. "

  2. The famous BAUHAUS!

    I'd like to have the ventilator JUST NOW, because it's so hot!!!!

    x *Tasiaa
